Administrative scrivener
Fee of administrative scrivener
We need to assume that contract an administrative scrivener draws up, drawing up of documents required for verification of right and obligation as well as facts such as content-certified mail, and each type of report includingestablishment of corporation, merger, division, capital increase, and change of directors must be comprehensive by tax and management.
In administrative scrivenerfs office, documents forapplication of construction industry such as application for authorization of construction industry, screening of management items, and analysis of management are closely related to the service oftax accountant such as requirement of attaching balance sheet as well as profit and loss statement. In our tax accountant and administrative scrivener office, we make each application appropriately by drawing up a necessary slip of tax.
Administrative scrivener office fee
In addition to service of administrative scrivener, we can provide the comprehensive service at low price if customers entrust us the service oftax accountant as well associal insurance and labor consultant.
As for fee forapplication of construction industry among fee of administrative scrivener, it is available solely in Wakayama-ken except where customers visit us since it is handled in a different way in each prefecture.